Monday, July 22, 2024

A normal decentralised method to prevent leaks in examination systems.


(C) 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 29, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk Mumbai 400 007.


Centrewise/ studentwise decentralized paper issue minutes after all the students have been seated in the exam hall.

The parliamentarians should give solution to this leak issue by making the paper leak proof by issuing centre/student wise unique paper minutes after the candidates have all taken their seats in the exam hall in front of  fool proof laptops.

Work out details in this age of dishonesty, digital and language divide times. Design the best decentralized system for this. Hint: select for each centre or preferably for each individual candidate an equitably designed set of questions from a store of questions covering the syllabi.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Policy for a normal way of life- A Despecialised Perspective and The 30 October 2021 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow(COP 26).

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

Copyright © 2021. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Dams are the principal culprits of climate change. COP26 is oblivious of this glaring lapse on the part of the specialists. It is not enough to protect nature without recognizing this fact. It is not enough to reforest ecologically with all the knowledge we can muster. It is necessary to abandon dams for surface water storage. It is also necessary to demolish the dams. The glaring example of the September 2004 Hurricanes IVAN and Jeanne which killed 3000 people in Haiti show that dams rigidly control the seeding, path and intensity of  the Hurricanes. See how the locations of the hurricane paths are rigidly controlled by the world’s dams as shown in the figures below:

See what Wangari Mutu Maathai wrote in her book Unbowed(2006):

“When, in September 2004, I heard the news that Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne had caused the deaths of more than three thousand people due to landslides and floods, I thought immediately of what I had seen a decade earlier. When people in Kenya call for forests to be opened, for cultivation of crops, I think of the people of Haiti and vow that I will do all I can to prevent what happened there from occurring in Kenya.

    We have continued to seek help and reach out to the people of Haiti, but it has always been difficult because peace has been elusive in that country. Nevertheless, we hope one day to return and plant millions of trees and so realize Al Gore's dream of a green Haiti.”

Wait wait. And then 2010 came to haunt Haiti:

See this 2010 havoc in Haiti caused by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2010:

According to official estimates, 316,000 people killed, 300,000 injured, 1.3 million displaced, 97,294 houses destroyed and 188,383 damaged in the Port-au-Prince area and in much of southern Haiti.

2010 Haiti Earthquake

12 January 2010


A catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake struck Haiti at 16:53 local time on Tuesday, 12 January 2010. The epicenter was near the town of Léogâne, Ouest department, approximately 25 kilometres west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. By 24 January, at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater had been recorded. Wikipedia

Number of deaths: 2,00,000

Magnitude: 7.0 Mw

Date: 12 January 2010

Tsunami: Yes (localized)

Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Total damage: $7.8 billion – 8.5 billion

Depth: 13 km (8.1 mi)

And then came the 2021 August


2200 killed in 2021 Haiti earthquake


And See this newsreport in 2021 about migration to and fro fromHaiti:

And how this report ignores the effect of dams:

Hayes, G., Briggs, R., Sladen, A. et al. Complex rupture during the 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake. Nature Geosci 3, 800–805 (2010).


See how in 2021 from 2004 the rigid control by the dams of the hurricanes has intensified to one of certainty than a statistical probability:

With all these very serious catastrophic occurrences the leaders of modern civilization, a society of specialists have found it normal to do business as usual and have ignored the connection of the dynamics of the world’s dams to climate change. So migration is rampant and destruction is occurring at a suicidal rate. It is not that the remnants of hurricane IDA that struck all the way up from Louisiana to New York in August 2021, but a full-fledged intense climate change rigidly controlled by the dams of the world is the root cause. Leaders wake up, arise and create a normal civilization based on truth. Stop these mass displacements which will touch a hundred million probably in 2021(Ref 1). It is not just the GHGs.

And on December 10 2021 tornados destroyed parts of 6 states of usa and dams of the world are the cause:




2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2006. Earthquakes Caused by Dams. Blogspot.

3. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2015. PREDICTING EARTHQUAKES. The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change. Blogspot.

4. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2017. PERFECT DESIGNS: Ignore root cause, get root shock- Dams the cause of Irma's Fury.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Taxing Residents to Death: Open Space Tax

 The Karnataka government is playing with the health of all life by taxing open space of our houses. Plant life today is rare in Mysuru,with open spaces built up into concrete monstrosities with multiple stories. Pollution is preventing us from breathing. Water is polluted. Sewage rivers in Mysuru is the stinking norm. MCC has lost civic sense and is acting as a livery implementing the retrograde tax orders issued thoughtlessly by a government which is bent upon ruining the health of nature itself. The government is causing the pandemics to be more aggressive by destroying the immune system with filthy air, water and soil. A tree transpires its own weight of water in a day. Thus a tree recharges the groundwaters to the extent of Rs. Four lacs per year(See derivation below). When our gardens recharge the wells, the level of water is maintained. We can then have drinking water for our families produced by our gardens. When houses have gardens, they give us health. Instead of taxing us to death, the government should give credit. There is a big precedent for this. It is not as if the governments have been heartless in the matter. When the Tatas at their Mithapur chemical plant saved some 50 percent of the fossil fuel way back in the fifties and sixties, and applied to the government for credit for such saving, the government duly recognized their feat and are giving them credit for fuel saved, not taxing them for saving so much mining and waste of precious forests! Rescind your order now and follow the ways of good governance that you yourself have set as precedent. Contribute to the mitigation of climate change.  This way the government will ensure the health of mother earth. Instead of adding fuel to the fire of covid 19, ensure our health by doing your Karma truthfully. Your Karma is clear: You return the service we are rendering to mother earth by trees in our properties by giving us credit for doing our Karma which, as the Gita says, is by being the genesis and support of all life. Celebrate Dasara in a non-invasive way. See a portion of My Garden below.

The First estimate calculations buttressing the above submission.

9 OCT 2021

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

River flows and trees


IMD said at the begin of the 2016 monsoon that India will have above average monsoon. Scientists countered this prediction saying that the denuded Western Ghats and the rest of India will ensure a subnormal monsoon in Karnataka. Thats precisely what has happened. Specialists must look a little beyond their noses and bring out the fundamental physiological properties of plants(read trees and other vegetation) which help in creating the giant sucking action of the sun via vegetation and ensure equitable distribution of water on the globe through small green communities of plants throughout the World.! A tree transpires its own weight of water in a day. Calculate for yourselves the fine implications of this which banished extreme floods and extreme droughts for eons in India before the advent of half baked modern civilization ushering in a society of specialists. See the dangers of dams which are causing climate change by direct heating up of the earth at Predicting Earthquakes: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change. Reforest Mother Earth to Live!/R. Ashok Kumar. The links:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The 24 August 2016 Damquake in Italy- Dams caused it!

The Italy Earthquake of 24 August 2016 was caused by the World’s Dams

By R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007

© 2016 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

World's dams cause earthquakes
Modern civilization
Cannot detect cause!


The damquake:
2016-08-24T01:36:33.590Z 42.714 13.1719 10 6.2 mwp 0.199526231 65.5611

The dams of the world input a surge energy of 989 times the energy released

actually by the 6.2 MM shallow quake at the hypocentre. Thus the many aftershocks.
Some numbers will capture the scale of destruction and deaths:
The worldwide dam content change of 0.14 BCM which caused the earthquake and the aftershocks

resulted in a vertical upward displacement of the focal point of 91.3 m in 12 seconds of rupture.

The rupture at the quake and the aftershocks all culminated in this upward displacement of the hypocenters.

And hence the total destruction and landslides. The vertical upward displacement rate was 7.6 m/s and the upward

ground acceleration was 0.634 m/s/s at the 6.2 MM quake focal point. The vertical velocity was 5 orders of magnitude fold

that which existed on the average for the earthquakes in the world till the time of the 6.2 MM quake at Norcia. The vertical acceleration of the ground was 10 orders of magnitude fold that which existed before this quake on the average. The destructive power of

the released energy at the focal point was 10.5 TW. For comparison the total electrical power capacity
of the world is 6 TW! The distance to the center of gravity of the dam contents to the hypocentre was 8117 km on the great circle. 
The data for the Norcia earthquake was retrieved  from
on 6 October 2016.

COMPARISON OF Norcia quake with the La’Aquila quake brings out the power of dams to lift mountains(cf Ref: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change and the reference 5(Fisher) therein). See the revised(11 October 2016) Table1NorciaLaAquila: The rupture duration data and the data on injuries for this Table are from

USGS: Significant Earthquakesof the World at Updated information available now at:

From  Table1NorciaLaAquila, observe that the vertically downward displacement of the hypocenter of 91 m during the 6th April 2009 La'Aquila damquake is restored by the vertically upward displacement of like amount during the 24th August 2016 one.
The Chisquared distribution probability of 88% between the ratio of injuries during the two quakes, the ratio of energy released and the ratio of power applied at the two locations shows that these ratios are interchangeable.  The destructive power of the dam surges is thus enormously more than what the plate tectonics theory is capable of mustering( cf USGS reports of these two significant earthquakes in the reference above with its speculations).


Modern civilization, a society of specialists, however, is built on false foundations

of specializations and is blind to this fact of horror caused by the world's dams. See

Predicting Earthquakes: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change at the link:

Have a look at the characteristics of the Italian quakes in the dam era 1900-2016 compared with the pre-dam era -1450 to 1899, Table 1:
See how the number of significant 6MM & + earthquakes in Italy and all significant earthquakes in Italy vary similarly with World Dam Capacity

Source for Table 1: Significant Earthquake Data: National Geophysical Data Center / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS): Global Significant Earthquake Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K [accessed 29 August 2016]
For World Dam Capacity Data see data base of  World Commission on Dams. 
How can we improve our civilization from this fate? Get rid of dams and deforestation!

See Reforest Mother Earth to Live! At

But you have to think outside the box! See the plan for the next millennia at

The development mantra of PM Modi must include these for survival in health.

Also to avoid catastrophic extinction breeders like the Fukushima triple melt which was caused by the dams of the world. See