Tuesday, September 20, 2016

River flows and trees

Re: http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-karnataka-on-high-alert-after-panel-orders-further-release-cauvery-water-to-tamil-nadu-2256853

IMD said at the begin of the 2016 monsoon that India will have above average monsoon. Scientists countered this prediction saying that the denuded Western Ghats and the rest of India will ensure a subnormal monsoon in Karnataka. Thats precisely what has happened. Specialists must look a little beyond their noses and bring out the fundamental physiological properties of plants(read trees and other vegetation) which help in creating the giant sucking action of the sun via vegetation and ensure equitable distribution of water on the globe through small green communities of plants throughout the World.! A tree transpires its own weight of water in a day. Calculate for yourselves the fine implications of this which banished extreme floods and extreme droughts for eons in India before the advent of half baked modern civilization ushering in a society of specialists. See the dangers of dams which are causing climate change by direct heating up of the earth at Predicting Earthquakes: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change. Reforest Mother Earth to Live!/R. Ashok Kumar. The links:




1 comment:

  1. The essay was written in 2016. 6 years later Coronavirus arrived and shut down the whole of modern civilization, a society of specialists. Its terrific anonymity allowed the piecemeal limitless chemical, biological and radiological warfare by the wild people on all life. The gene pool was effectively damaged sufficiently to enable the coronavirus to kill humans wholesale. The wild people are trying to buy an armed truce with the viruses by exhorting people to isolate themselves while a vaccine weapon overcomes the enemy this time. Whether humans last that long is a real question considering the destructive self suicidal character of modern civilization.
